This bag is great. It is the perfect size for parents who are on the go often. We’ve all tried to carry small diaper bags on these outings, but it just doesn’t work. The O! Yikes Messenger bag is great for these mini trips where we bring extra clothes, a few toys, a couple of bottles, several diapers, and other assorted things that we feel we have to have with us.
The O! Yikes messenger bag has tons of pockets inside and out. There is a cell phone pocket on the strap, a bottle holder pocket on the side and a pocket to hold a changing pad in the front (pictured to the left). The inside holds several diapers, a change of clothes, the toiletries bag that comes with the messenger bag, bottles, your wallet, wipes and much more.
The contemporary design and unique materials make this a diaper bag that can take a beating. Stylish enough for Mom and durable enough for Dad.
Where to buy: O! Yikes