Category Archives: Shoes

A Children’s Summertime Classic – The Original Saltwater Sandal


Generations of children recall endless summer days wearing the original Salt Water Sandal made by the Hoy Company of St. Louis Missouri. They’re called the “Salt Water” Sandal because they stand up even in salt water. You may remember wearing these exact sandals as a child. I do! I love the traditional classic lines of the “Original Sandal” style and the fact that these shoes stand up to hours of summer playtime. The flexible sole and heavy durable leather straps are comfortable and long lasting. Your child will most likely grow out of these sandals before they wear out. White and brown are the original colors with fresh bright shades such as fuchsia, orange, yellow and lime added to the collection.

From our friends at

The Shoe Shopping Experiment

Can you find your latest shoe obsession faster with images than with words? is testing out a new visual search site and wants your feedback! As a thank you for completing the survey, you will be treated to some fab coupons from Bluefly, Shoebuy, and Naturals of Ashland. Here’s how it works:

1. Go go

2. Type in a shoe search (eg. gladiator sandals) or click on a “Top Shoe Searches” link

3. Some products will show buttons for “find similar” and “compare” upon mouseover. Click on one of these buttons

4. You should see products similar in shape and color

5. When you’re done, click the “take our survey” link at the top of the results

6. Tell us what you think!

7. Collect your coupon codes at the end of the survey.

TOMS Shoes – Giving Back One Pair of Shoes at a Time

How can a single pair of TOM’s shoes change the world? Well, according to TOMS shoes founder Blake Mycoskie, it can save lives – one shoe at a time. While traveling in Argentina in 2006 Blake found that many children had no shoes to protect their feet. In response Blake founded TOMS and returned later that year to give 10,000 pairs of shoes to deserving children all thanks to the purchases made by TOMS customers. So a single pair of shoes can change a life and perhaps the world.


We took the time to chat with a member of the TOMS team to learn more about this innovative and socially conscious company.

1. What is the inspiration behind the new Wrap Boot?
The TOMS Wrap Boot is inspired by the colorful leg wraps worn by Argentine Polo horses. Blake authored a short story that tells the tale of a newly-wed young woman who, to win back the attention of her Polo champion husband, wrapped her legs with the brilliant elastic creating a sassy, flirtatious look. Read the full story and see the looks here!

2. Tell us what happens on a typical “Shoe Drop Tour”.
An Argentina Shoe Drop Tour is a group experience where volunteers hand-place matched pairs of TOMS Shoes on children’s feet and explore some of the country’s most intriguing neighborhoods and activities.

3. How can our readers get involved in the TOMS movement?
– Buy TOMS and wear them daily – share the One for One movement with everyone you meet!
– Stay connected through our emails, Facebook, MySpace, or Twitter
– Share the documentary:
– Be part of the TOMS family by applying for an internship on your campus, at TOMS HQ, or on the road as a TOMS Vagabond
Apply to go on a TOMS Shoe Drop Tour

4. What are the various ways an individual can make a difference?
Know that as a consumer you can choose products that offer sustainability, giving, and positivity at their core. TOMS guarantees that for every pair you purchase, TOMS will give a pair of shoes to a child in need. One for One. In the end, “the more you give, the more you live!”

5. What can our readers look forward to in the upcoming collections for TOMS shoes?
TOMS remains true to the classic lines of the Argentine alpargata shoe, but you can look forward to fresh new variations this summer and laces this fall!

Coupon Code: TOMSbday valid for 5% off at and expires 5/15.

Crocs – Madelyn’s new favorite shoes

CrocsmadelyncaymanMadelyn has dozens of pairs of shoes.  Does she wear them all?  No.  She has her favorites.  She has favorites that she wears outside, in the car, and around the house.   One of her favorite pairs of shoes is her ‘kids cayman’ classic Crocs.  I love them because they are a breeze to wipe off, and Madelyn can get them on an off easily.. without a fuss.

It has been a little chilly outside lately so she slips on some socks, puts her crocs on and is on her way!  She’s determined to wear her favorite shoes no matter which pair it might be on a given day.  I’ve learned to not even try to get her to wear a pair other than what she picks out.  I choose my battles.

Click the photograph to the right to enlarge the image.  These, like most Crocs, are available in over two dozen colors and eight sizes.

Available at: Crocs
Cost: $24.99

Robeez weekend & sandal collections

RobeezsummerShoes, shoes, shoes.  I think Madelyn has more shoes than I’ve had in my entire life.   She has pink shoes, red shoes, black shoes, striped shoes, shoes with flowers on them, shoes with x-bones on them, and so many more. 

In the photo to the right Madelyn is wearing a pair of shoes from Robeez’s new Weekend Collection.  They are super easy to get on and off with the help of a tab on the heel, and the multi-colored striped elastic on the sides makes them wearable with almost any outfit.  There are five striped colors choices and four solid color choices in the Weekend Collection.

I also like the new line of Robeez sandals.   Madelyn has the classic style (to the left) which reminds me of sandals I’m Robeezsummersandalwearing in photographs from the late 70’s. 

They may look like the sandals we wore as children but they are not nearly the same.  They aren’t stiff as thick wooden boards, but instead have soft leather soles and Velcro straps take the place of the buckles that were on the 1970’s sandals.

I’ve always liked Robeez shoes.  They offer both classic and trendy styles and more importantly, they are made to be comfortable for little feet like Madelyn’s.  Robeez shoes are available for babies up to 24 months but I have found that they run a little big. Madelyn will be 2 May 9th and I’m sure she will be able to wear the sandals through most of this year and she is not a smaller than average child.

WEBSITE:  Check these collections out at Robeez.