1) Shop on Schoola. For every transaction that is tracked via my unique referral code, Schoola will donate $1 to the school you selected to support.
2) Request a Schoola donation bag. For every person who requests a Schoola donation bag via my unique referral code, Schoola will donate $1 to the KIPP Academy. PLUS – when you donate the clothes and fill out your child’s school information, $2 of every $5 made will go back to KIPP Academy, a win/win for KIPP Academy AND for your child’s school!
My son didn’t show an interest in music until he tried out for middle school band. He was trying out to play drums but ended up being assigned the trumpet. While he wasn’t thrilled about his band director’s choice of instrument for him, it took just a few weeks for him to warm up to the trumpet and since starting middle school he has absolutely blown me away when he plays the trumpet. It’s been so great to watch him gain confidence and be proud of himself because of the progress he’s made and the amazing performances his class put on three times a year give me chills.
Sadly, there are many schools that don’t get funding for art and music programs so the students don’t get to experience the pride and joy of creating beautiful music and performing what they’ve worked so hard to learn and accomplish, in front of hundreds of proud parents.
Schoola, an online shop dedicated to recycling brand-name children’s clothes, with 40% of the proceeds going to schools in need, including your child’s school, gives parents like you and I the ability to give schools that aren’t normally provided enough funding for art and music programs, the funding they need to create a program that their students will benefit from in amazing ways for years to come. What parent doesn’t want to save money on brand-name clothes for their kids and help a school develop and maintain a music or arts program at the same time?
I can’t believe how quickly my kids grow, especially my daughter. Do girls really grow faster than boys? It seems like every two months I have to buy her an entire wardrobe because she’s outgrown the old one. Schoola gives kids the opportunity to wear brand-name clothes for much less than what you’d normally pay. That is great, but this opportunity is about more than being able to buy slightly worn brand-name clothing for my kids for way less than what I’d pay at the store; it’s also about having the opportunity to teach my kids that giving back to those in need is so important.
Shopping is something we all do.
Our kids all need clothes.
Feel good about how your purchase will help kids at KIPP Academy and other schools by shopping at Schoola!
Watch the video below to learn about KIPP Academy and how Schoola is going to help them fund a music program:
How YOU can help KIPP Academy raise funding for a music program:
1) Shop on Schoola. For every transaction that is tracked via my unique referral code, Schoola will donate $1 to the school you selected to support.
2) Request a Schoola donation bag. For every person who requests a Schoola donation bag via my unique referral code, Schoola will donate $1 to the KIPP Academy. PLUS – when you donate the clothes and fill out your child’s school information, $2 of every $5 made will go back to KIPP Academy, a win/win for KIPP Academy and for your child’s school!
About KIPP Academy and their fundraising goal
KIPP Academy’s goal is to raise $25,000 to fund a music program.
A small school in the Bronx, KIPP Academy works hard to support kids who need all the help they can get. Ninety-five percent of its students qualify for free or reduced-cost lunch. More than one in seven receives special education services. Music helps KIPP Academy reach and engage every child who enters its doors. The slogan on the Music Room wall sets the stage—All of Us Will Learn Music. No matter what backgrounds they come from or what challenges they face, they learn lessons together that will serve them the rest of their lives.
The 20 Days of Schoola starts July 28th and ends August 16th, 2014, so head over to Schoola and request a donation bag and/or shop for clothes for your child to help raise money for KIPP Academy’s music program and your child’s school!
This post is brought to you by Schoola, the best place to buy discounted kids clothes all while give back to schools in need. Click here to learn more about Schoola. Click here to see what people are saying.