Category Archives: Technology

How #Skype Can Make Your Life Easier – and – A Moms and Technology Infographic

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Skype Brand Ambassador - Mother's Day

Technology has changed the world we live in. Especially when it comes to being able to communicate and maintain relationships where geographical proximity is an issue. One of the leading tools in the evolution of technology is Skype.   I live hundreds of miles away from my Dad and sister but they see my kids regularly on the computer or iPhone.
In case you don’t already know what Skype is, it is a program that you download onto your computer, laptop, or mobile device, which gives you the ability to talk to, video chat with, and text chat with others who have  Skype.

A painful separation that often occurs for various life circumstances is the distance between grandparents and grandkids.  Often grandparent, aunts, uncles, cousins and family friends don’t live as close to their loved ones as they would like, thus missing out on milestones such as a baby’s first step or a first homerun. But with technology the way it is today a connection is just one click away, and grandparents can be right there with their family at the ball park or in their grandchild’s home via a Skype video chat. Grandparents don’t have to miss their grandchild’s ball game because of proximity.  Skype video chat allow grandparents to cheer on a loved one.

I’ve been using Skype quite a bit the last couple of weeks and have learned how Skype can make life easier and help me reconnect with people in my life like never before.

Here are some unique ways Skype can make life easier (and more fun!):

Have a virtual tutor for your child via Skype during summer break

Earphones with Skype
Use earphones for a more private Skype conversation
Among the unique ways to use Skype also includes the ability to have a tutoring session or study time with someone who would otherwise not be around.
If your child needs to study math or has homework you just can’t help with, Skype with someone who can, for one on one attention. These tutoring sessions can be done from the comfort of your own home and you can save time and money while getting your child homework help or summer tutoring.

Use Skype while shopping – get advice on that fabulous dress or shoes while you’re at the mall

Take a best friend with you as you go shopping.  I have been known to send my sister a photo or two while I’m in the dressing room at the mall. She lives hundreds of miles away but I almost always get her advice on the dress I’m trying on or a pair of shoes I adore, before buying.

Here’s a tip: Have your child use earphones during the tutoring session so she can better concentrate on the conversation.  Earphones are also great to use while you’re at the mall trying on clothes for your sister via Skype and you don’t want the lady in the next dressing room to hear everything your sister is saying about your choice of clothes. 🙂

Skype is available to on many devices

Another wonderful feature of Skype is it’s accessibility.  Skype is able to run on PCs, mobile phones, android devices, iOS devices, iPhones and Mac computers. This means that wherever you are and whatever you want to share with a loved one, you can do it on your mobile phone.

Do you have important timely information that is best communicated face to face? Don’t regret not living close to your family, it’s a fact of life, just make sure you bring your iPhone and your family can be right their with you when you need them most.

There is no comparison to actually seeing the person you are talking to be it your grand parent or your parent. Skype brings someone who may be a world away into your living room via your Mac, PC, iPhone or Android device.

Skype allows users to catch up with mom who  you might not haven’t seen since the holidays. Skype makes all these things possible where they never were before, and it can help you connect with the world in a brand new way.

Here are some very interesting research findings around Moms and technology

Skype Moms and Technology
Skype Moms and Technology Infographic

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More about Skype:

Alicia Hagan, Editor

Disclaimer: I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Skype. I received Skype credits to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for participating.

Win a Nokia Lumia 710 Windows Smartphone!

Nokia Lumia 710 Windows smartphoneWe are giving away another Nokia Lumia 710 Windows phone!

The winner of the Nokia Lumia 710 giveaway here on The Mommy Insider was Melissa T.!

If you didn’t enter our last contest and even if you did, you can enter to win a Nokia Lumia 710 smartphone on our gadget review blog,, here.

Past Nokia Lumia 710 blog contest winners not permitted for contest re-entry, and will be disqualified if selected.

Alicia Hagan, Editor

iPhone Photography for Parents: Apps That Will Make Your Life More Colorful Instantly

The rapidly increasing photographic capabilities of the iPhone are beginning to rival those of standalone cameras. Apple’s flagship smartphone manages to pull off amazing iPhonography without the use of additional lenses and filters. That’s especially convenient for busy parents without a lot of time to fiddle with their camera equipment when trying to capture a moment in time. Here are four amazing iOS apps that will allow you to take stellar photos on the fly with your phone.


While Instagram is more closely associated with nostalgic hipsters and the technorati, it’s really perfect for anybody who wants to take distinctive photos. It’s the kind of app that’s tailor-made for taking photos of the kids at the beach. Vacation photos just look better for some reason when they have a washed out, analog color palette created by a custom filter and some post-production effects.  A newer feature of Instagram is that you can import photo from your iphone’s photo album and edit them in Instagram.  I love this! Sometimes I just can’t get to Instagram quick enough to snap a shot using the Instagram app, but now I can snap the shot with the native camera app then import it into Instragram to edit and publish online.

Pros: It is very easy to view your photo with many different filters in just seconds.
Cons: As of now, there isn’t a way to access your Instagram photos via an online interface.  With the number of iPhone users using Instagram, this would be a great feature.

Instagram iPhone photograph example
Instsagram photograph - Click to enlarge


Much like Instagram, Hipstamatic allows parents to tweak the look of their family photos to achieve a timeless feel. The stock installation of Hipstamatic costs a mere $1.99, though the base functionality can be extended with “HipstaPaks” comprised of custom filters that run $0.99 a piece. I spent about $5 on “HipstaPaks” for purposes of this story.  Users can preview the add-on HipstaPaks and download the right digital lenses before a photo shoot or family trip, ensuring that you get the perfect look to match any given occasion.  The one thing that I wish Hipstamatic did like Instagram, is allow us to import photographs into the app.  That’s not in Hipstamatic’s plans for now though.
The photographs in the image to the right were all taken with Hipstamatic.  I just changed the film for each photograph. Unlike with Instagram, I couldn’t see the filter being applied to the photo as I lined it up so I didn’t know how the photograph was going to turn out.

Pros: Hipstamatic allows users to share a photo on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,Tumblr, Flickr, and a Hipstaccount.
Not easy to switch between films (essentially filters).  You can’t import photographs from your iPhone photo album in order to apply Hipstamatic ‘effects’ to them.

Hipstamatic iPhone photo examples
Hipstamatic photographs - Click to enlarge


If you’re a busy, sleep deprived mom who still cares about looking good, moreBeaute2 should be right up your alley. Like a lightweight, mobile version of Photoshop that works automatically, moreBeaute2 snaps amazing pictures while removing wrinkles and dark under-eye circles immediately. In order to get rid of dark under-eye circles and wrinkles, just take a picture and tap the auto-correct button to look flawless in your photos. Like a mild form of airbrushing, it makes everyone look their best. This is one of my favorite iPhonography apps.. for obvious reasons!

Pros: moreBeaute2 can make the most tired mom look awake and fresh, instantly.
Cons: You can’t adjust color or contrast within the app.

moreBeaute2 iPhone photo app
Before | After - Click to enlarge

Software has an impressive ability to make up for the limitations of the underlying hardware that it’s running on, which is especially true when it comes to mobile photography. That’s not to imply that iOS devices are weak when it comes to the quality of their lenses. However, you can take far better pictures of the family with these programs by your side. For weary parents who rely on their trusty iPhone to act as their primary camera, these worthy applications are all you’ll ever need.
Do you have a favorite iPhone photography app?
Share with us in the comments below.  We love to learn about new and interesting apps!
Alicia Hagan, Editor
I was not compensated from any of these app companies, for this story. I purchased all of the apps mentioned above and all opinions are 100% my own.

Skype and FaceTime: The Differences

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Do you wonder what the differences between Skype and FaceTime are?  Why should you use Skype over FaceTime?

When I was approached about becoming a Skype ambassador, I thought to myself “why would I want to use Skype regularly instead of FaceTime?”.

Skype Ambassador programJust by asking myself that question, I realized that I had subconciously blocked all of my PC owning family and friends, from my video call list.  Most of my family members own PC’s and do not own an iPhone or iPad.  Let’s just say they live simple lives.  Therefor, I can’t FaceTime with them.  I have cousins who have children that my kids would love to video chat with but until it clicked for me that we can all use Skype, I didn’t even consider it.  With Skype, my kids can chat with any family member who owns a PC, Android device, iOS device, or Mac.

While I love FaceTime for video chatting with my Dad and Sister who both own an iPhone, iPad, and MacBook, FaceTime does not allow me to chat with my PC loving friends and family.

Skype vs FaceTime Feature Comparison

Skype FaceTime
Video chat from PC/Windows Yes No
Video chat from iPhone/iPad/Mac/iOS Yes Yes
Video chat from Android Yes No
Let’s you know who’s available Yes No
Chat function Yes No
Group video calling Yes (Premium feature) No
Send files while you chat Yes No

These comparisons are valid as of May 2012.

Situation when using Skype rocks!

  • If you have a child who is graduating school soon,  Skype is a great way to help grandparents celebrate with you!
  • Include relatives in your child’s birthday celebration
  • Your kids can video chat with Mom or Dad when they are traveling
  • Read a bedtime story to your child when you are traveling
  • Bloggers, catch up with your blogging buddies between events via Skype!


Connect with Skype:

Alicia Hagan, Editor

Disclosure: While I am a Skype Ambassador, this post was not required.

Skype Ambassador Announcement

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The Mommy Insider is a Skype Ambassador!

Skype Ambassador program
Just as I am with any opportunity that comes my way, I am honored to be a Skype brand ambassador for the next few months.  As a Skype Ambassador through Mom Central Consulting, I will be sharing my experiences using Skype with you over the next few months.  I will be posting about how I use Skype at home, as well as tips, ideas, and stories about Skype.  Some funny, some touching.

My First Time and Now:

The first time I used Skype was when my daughter was about two-years-old, over three years ago.  She was sitting on my lap and I was experimenting with this Skype program I had just put on my laptop.  My daughter got a kick out of seeing herself on the screen and seeing my sister who lives states away.   Since then, she’s almost six-years-old, Skype has become more of a household word.  I use Skype to talk to relatives as well as for work. I no longer have a land-line because of services like Skype.  Great, huh?

When I feel like hiding from the camera/video, I communicate via Skype voice call or chat.  On the flip side, when I’m feeling particularly confident or actually have makeup and clothes on that match, I will go for a Skype Video Chat.

I talk to my Dad who lives in Florida pretty regularly on Skype.  He’ll buzz in asking for a video chat and I just click the button to accept.  We always have a great time video chatting.  On the business side, Skype video chats make a huge difference in the productivity of business calls.   I am able to accomplish a lot more with a video chat or Skype voice call than I am from a simple phone conversation or email alone.

What is Skype?

Skype is a software application that allows users to make voice calls over the Internet.
Skype allows people to talk and video chat via their Internet connection, Wifi, Smartphone, and more.

  • Mac or PC computer
  • iPhone
  • iPad
  • Android device
  • You can even Skype via a Skype-ready Blu-ray™ player and TV webcam!
  • There is also a home phone adapter that will allow you to make Skype calls right from your home phone.  Use Skype’s FREETALK® phone adapter to make convenient, low-cost calls and Skype-to-Skype calls from your home phone.
  • More Skype features
As you can see, Skype has an option for everyone. If you have been waiting to get rid of your landline number but weren’t sure about making the change, Skype probably has a service for you.
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Connect with Skype:

Alicia Hagan, Editor


Disclosure: I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Skype. I received Skype credits to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for participating.