Category Archives: Age 0-1 year

The Quick-Fit Car Seat Slipcover

BabblechiccarseatslipcoverGone are the days when parents have to use an industrial strength vacuum at the gas station to suck the crumbs out of the kids car seat.  Babble Chic’s car seat slipcovers allow parents to slip the cover off quickly so the crumb collection can find a new home in the garbage can.

I give Babble Chic slip covers get a 10 for ease of use.  Their slipcovers slip on and off without having to fumble with straps and without having to take off the factory installed cover.  Madelyn is potty training now and having a car seat slipcover makes  our trips to Grandmother’s house less stressful because I know that if she has an accident I can put the slipcover in the washing machine and it will be as good as new.   I do put a towel in the seat out of courtesy for the slipcover. 

Being able to slip this car seat cover on over Madelyn’s car seat without having to remove the straps or the installed cover makes this car seat slipcover a must have.    The designs are ultra hip with patterns for boys and girls.  Some other great facts..

Icon_website2  Babble Chic Infant & Toddler Car Seat Slipcovers

Shoos Shoos: a shoe that will stay on baby’s foot

ShooshoosI like to wear shoes all of the time and I prefer that my kids do the
same.  I can remember at least three times when I stepped on something
and regretted not having shoes on. When Madelyn started walking, I quickly learned that if I wanted her to wear shoes around the house and not just when we are out, the shoes must be comfortable.  Makes sense doesn’t it?

A gentle elastic ankle, a no-slip suede sole, and the absence of laces is what makes shooshoos baby shoes special.  The gentle elastic ankle makes getting these shoes on Madelyn, a cinch and help keep her feet warm and cozy for hours at a time.  Madelyn wears the Pink Suede / Fleece Collar shoes shown to the right when there is a chill in the air and whenever she feels it is necessary.. she has a shoe fetish.

I love the flexibility of shooshoos and they offer both classic & unique styles for boys and girls.  Boys will impress daddy’s golf buddies when wearing the brown golf shoes, while girls can be dainty in the ballet style shoes.

shooshoos offers a wide variety of soft leather baby shoes to fit babies from 0 – 24 months.  With shoes starting at $14.95 the pricing is impressive.   shooshoos make a perfect baby shower or new baby gift as well as a great addition to your own baby’s shoe collection. Because they are so affordable, your baby can collect several pairs and have a shoe fetish like Madelyn!

shooshoos soft leather baby shoes

Pediped: a review of baby & toddler shoes

PedipedflexHow cute are these?  pedipedhas expanded their offering with a new line called Flex for older walkers ages 2 – 5 years old. pedipedis known for their stylish infant and baby leather-soled line which is recommended by the American Podiatric Medical Association.

pedipedis courageous with their styles, being a bit fantastical but that is what makes them so appealing.  I received these three styles to review, but they are a tad too big on Madelyn’s feet so I don’t have photographs.  Because I love our readers, I am going to give these three pairs of pediped Flex™ shoes away to one lucky reader!  Continue reading to learn how to enter to win these 3 pairs of size 6 pediped Flex™ shoes.

pediped Flex™ shoes are easy for Madelyn to put on and take off.  She is very independent these days and wants to put her shoes, panties, and pants on all by herself. I give us at least 20 extra minutes before leaving the house now so dress herself.  Madelyn still wears pediped Originals (sometimes she puts them on at nap time) because her feet are a little small for the Flex™ shoes but I have no doubt that she will wear pediped’s Flex™ shoes as soon as she can!

The pediped™ line of larger rubber-soled footwear, pediped Flex™, is available in designs for both boys and girls ages 2 to 5+ years. Available in children’s sizes 6 to 12, pediped Flex™ are perfect for the child that has outgrown pediped Originals™ and is ready for the next stage in footwear.

Enter to win these three pairs of pediped Flex on our contest entry page here.

Icon_website2  pediped footwear

Baby’s First Moves: a Baby Einstein DVD

BabyeinsteinbabysfirstmovesdvdSometimes I just can’t think of anything to do to entertain Madelyn. We read books, we play ring around the rosie, but she wants more.  That is where ‘active learning’ movies like Baby Einstein DVD’s come in really handy.  When I am out of energy or need to do something around the house, I know that I can rely on Baby Einstein DVD’s to occupy Madelyn for a little while even with her short, toddler attention span.

Baby’s First Moves delights Madelyn every time she watches it and I enjoy the music while I am cleaning or just trying to catch my breath from a busy day playing ‘let’s run around the house while we scream and laugh’ with Madelyn.  Baby Einstein videos incorporate colorful puppets, real babies, and images which change often so as to keep baby’s attention.

This video features babies and toddlers rolling, playing peek a boo, clapping, stomping, twirling, and more.  During some segments, the narrator tells us what the baby is doing. For example, while a baby is rolling, she will say ‘roll’.  Parents are often shown interacting with their baby or toddler which inspires me to do the same with Madelyn.  When watching Baby Einstein videos Madelyn and I interact with each
other more than when watching Clifford or Arthur for example.  The simple moves, enthusiastic sounds and encouragement from parents shown in the movie give me the extra push I might need to interact with Madelyn at a time when I might otherwise be cleaning or trying to rest. (ha!)

Learn more, read more reviews and buy your Baby’s First Moves DVD here

We will be giving away five copies of the newest addition to the Baby Einstein DVD collection (the title is a secret) very soon! Subscribe to our newsletter using the box in the upper left column to be notified when we start the giveaway contest for the Baby Einstein DVD’s.

Honey Buns Boutique: bringing simple back

Honey Buns Boutique is truly an exceptional shop.  Stepping away from frilly dresses (not that we don’t like frilly) and high prices, Honey Buns Boutique brings simple, and affordable, back.   The designs were created by a mom with a super handsome 6 month old son so you can rest assure that she knows what moms want in both style and durability.

You will find a variety of cute and sassy shirts, onesies, and accessories for mommies, babies, toddlers, and children up to size 16 at Honey Buns Boutique and best of all, Honey Buns clothes are exclusive – you won’t find their designs anywhere else! How cool is that? 

I love the Bubbles mommy tees and the Sugar & Spice tote bag. The simplicity of these designs is refreshing.

Icon_website2_2 Honey Buns Boutique: clothes & accessories for mommies, babies, and toddlers.